3 Star Industries’ Arctic Cat Windshield - 3 Star UTV

3 Star Industries’ Arctic Cat Windshield

If you ride great distances on your bike, you will realize that windshields are an essential accessory. However, with the various options currently available in the market, you might be overwhelmed trying to figure out the right one. But 3 STAR INDUSTRIES has the solution for all US citizens in the form of the Arctic Cat windshield. We explain why this windshield is the perfect choice for your bike and guide you to pick the right one for your long-distance riding adventure.

Choosing the Right Windshield

Choosing the right windshield poses a great problem to many riders. There are many variations from which you are to choose, making identifying the perfect one even more intimidating. However, there are generally a couple of particular considerations you need to make. In the windshield world, there are some tradeoffs you should consider.

Protection vs. Style

As you choose a windshield, ask yourself, is protection vital to you? If you are riding over long distances, you will probably want all the possible protection from elements. Therefore, you would want something wide and tall. However, choose a small windshield if you only ride short distances and want your ride to look sweet. If you want a combination of these two, your best bet is the quick detach windshield option that allows you to install for long rides easily and detach over short rides, bike nights, or shows. Arctic Cat windshield gives you options.

How Tall or Short?

The windshield height is among the primary considerations for any rider. If the windshield is too tall, you might need to look through it while riding, which might be challenging if bugs or rain block your line of vision. On the other hand, you do not get the necessary protection when it is too short and may experience a slipstream effect sending air that strikes your face. Generally, the thumb rule for touring bikes and cruisers is to have a windshield topping out right at your nose level. Arctic Cat windshields are such windshields, allowing you to see over it with the slipstream effect sending air where you want it to go, over the head.

Universal vs. Fitted

Most common bikes have specifically fitted windshields, making it simple to get the right fit. However, you might need to choose a universal fit model that requires greater creativity with your choice of mounting solution for older or modified bikes. An excellent means of determining your needs is visiting 3 STAR INDUSTRIES, where we have experience with your bike model.

Adjustable vs. Fixed

This is among the things you might not realize are required until you start riding long distances and wish to modify your windshield position to redirect airflow. With some models, you can adjust the windshield position to the ideal position and toggle between extra airflow for hot days and reduced airflow for rainy or cold days.

The latest Arctic Cat windshield selection provides styles and shapes for all weather conditions and rider preferences. So visit us at 3 STAR INDUSTRIES in the US to get your custom-fit Arctic Cat windshield and put some miles on that bike.

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